Using Youth Power to Create Aging Friendly Environment Program 2022 Outcome Report 青銀共創締造高齡友善環境2022年成果報告
Authors:Dr. Stephanie F. Yang
This outcome report aims to assess the effectiveness of the trainingevents carried out in the Intergenerational Co-creation and Youth Career Development Program by Yang Sheng Foundation (YSF). The report provides an integrated perspective on all training efforts, including the continuous improvement of 2020-2021 created curriculums, subsequent revised training sessions conducted in communities for youths and older adults, and implementation of the Digital Learning Program across the island. With a total attendance of 8,145 participants, YSF partnered with 117 communities and hosted 265 sessions of trainings. In general, this engaged 4,122 older adults (over 64 years old), 2,312 youths (under 31 years old), and 1,710 individuals (aged 31 to 64 years old).
Overall, the events and activities were well received by young and old participants, who rated their experience as either good or excellent. The majority of them would recommend this type of training to their friends or peers. Older participants reported increased awareness of their role in illness prevention, health maintenance, and digital literacy skills via the introduction of self-healing concepts and digital learning platforms. On the other hand, younger participants reported overall effectiveness in learning about old age, coordinating curriculums that are suitable for seniors, and having an interest in working for the aging service market. To better achieve stated objectives, all participants' learning, knowledge transfer, and organizational and personal impact evaluation have been identified through questionnaires. The outcomes of the program are considered fruitful and invaluable for future actions.